Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Boomers are charitable people. One More Reason Why Marketers Still Need to Target Boomers

When it comes to charitable giving, Boomers give on average $901 per year, $165 less than Matures and $105 more than Gen X. There is a huge opportunity for charities to solicit more out of boomers considering they give less than Matures and out number them 2 to 1, and are very passionate about making a difference in the world. The question is what is the best way to reach them? The answer might be integrating multiple channels with direct mail still a viable option.

Source: Joint study by Convio, Edge Research and Sea Change Strategies

(On January 1, 2011, the first of the Baby Boom generation begins to turn 65. While marketers have traditionally viewed anyone over 49 as over the hill, there are compelling reasons why overlooking Boomers isn’t smart for business. During the course of the next few weeks, we’ll be highlighting 65 of those reasons.)

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